Dragonwings Bookstore is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the classic children’s book Corduroy by Don Freeman with a Corduroy Bear Event and a Button Guessing Contest on April 26.
Written during 1967 and published in 1968, Corduroy, and the sequel A Pocket for Corduroy, became so popular that they inspired over two dozen related board books, lift-the-flap books, and activity books. A newly released Anniversary Edition of the original Corduroy story adds eight pages of interactive bonus materials, which include envelopes filled with copies of early manuscripts, letters Don Freeman sent to his editor, and his very first sketches of Corduroy and Lisa, the girl who gives the little bear a new button and a home.
At the Corduroy Bear Event children will play button toss, I Spy and guessing games, make button crafts, and listen to stories while they sort buttons. The event, for ages 4-8, will take place at Dragonwings Bookstore on Saturday April 26 at 3:00. The cost is $5.00 and includes all supplies and a Corduroy book for each child. Reservations can be made by calling 715-256-9186 or signing up at the store at 108 N. Main St. Waupaca.
A fifteen inch plush Corduroy bear is the prize for the Button Guessing Contest. The prize bear and a button jar are on display at Dragonwings and everyone is invited to stop in on Saturday April 26 before 3:00 to guess how many buttons are in the jar. During the party the buttons will be sorted and counted, and the closest guess will win the big, plush bear.
I've always loved the tale of the corduroy bear. he is so cute!